Termopar de unin expuesta ANSI con aislamiento de fibra de vidrio con colas desnudas - Tipos K

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Necesita calibrar su sensor de temperatura?

Trazable a los estndares de calibracin ISO17025 (UKAS), Labfacility ofrece la opcin de una calibracin trazable de 3 o 5 puntos utilizando nuestras instalaciones de calibracin internas.

Tenga en cuenta que si agrega una opcin de calibracin a su pedido, nos pondremos en contacto con usted con respecto a la informacin de entrega.


Caractersticas tcnicas

Descripción General Fast response, welded exposed junction
Tipo de sensor Good temperature resistance (not suitable in fluids)
Tipo de termopar K
Thermocouple Junction Exposed
Longitud del cable 300mm, 1, 2, 5 & 10 metre
Cable Type glassfibre insulated flat pair cable
Núcleo / hebras 1/0.3mm
Cable Termination Bare tails
Max. Temperatura +350°C (short periods up to 400°C)
Min. Temperatura –60°C
Tolerancia ANSI MC96.1 Class 2
Estándares cumplidos ANSI MC96.1

Labfacility - Company Overview Presentation

Labfacility - Company Video Presentation featuring, Mineral Insulated Cable Preparation, In-House Welding, Thorough Inspection from our Quality Department, Thermocouple Cable reeled to correct spool lengths, Dedicated work stations for the various sensor configurations, Calibration Test room and Large quantities kept in stock for fast despatch.

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Why is Calibration so important?

The goal of calibration is to minimise any measurement uncertainty by ensuring the accuracy of test equipment. Labfacility offer a 3 or 5 point calibration, Traceable to ISO17025 (UKAS) calibration standards, using our in-house calibration facility.

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Thermocouple Product Guide - Labfacility

An overview of the different thermocouples available from Labfacility.